I liked your item on behaviour and changes. You say all is good now?
I liked your item on behaviour and changes. You say all is good now?
Unfortunately, not. We are polarized more and more…we only hear what we already believe. I spend 5 minutes with someone, and I know he/she only listens to CNN and quotes well known actors. No matter who wins the election there will be blood on the streets. What happened to a democratic elected government? Yes, I believe, but only if it is on my side of the coin. What happened to loyal opposition? Only if I win will I be loyal to government and my country? We make more and more idiotic decisions under the banner of climate change, hate the left, hate the right instead of cherishing what we have… And change our views at the ballot box. The whole world wants to be here…you are here. Work within the system.
I fear, but then … the old adage: If you are not a socialist under 40 you have no heart, if you are one over 40 you have no brains. I used to understand that… Now, there is no age limit to having no brains. It has to all be “my way”. And that is scarier than the virus.