Ozzie Jurock's Profile



  • Guru Asked on June 12, 2024 in Real Estate.

    The paradox of tolerance states that if a society’s practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.

    That is particularly so in today’s world, where we tolerate students in tents on campus stating openly that they want to kill people, where a small majority use the tolerance and then build ‘woke’ premises on it.

    Men are trash, masculinity is patriarchy, family is dead. Traditional values, our longstanding beliefs, customs, and societal norms that have been passed down through generations. Stability, respect for authority, and adherence to established social roles, all that’s in question.

    People come from all over the world to North America running away from murderous governments and then force their views, their religion, even their laws on the society that they fled to.

    Why can they do this? Because we let them. We are tolerant.

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  • Guru Asked on June 12, 2024 in Real Estate.

    That’s the secret about ‘clickbait’. YouTube Headline: “Real estate crashes in Vancouver” In colour with exclamation marks…then you watch and watch and they do not tell you anything about the headline but admonish you to keep watching for the ‘secret at the end.’ Then, when you get to the end it says…’No one really knows whether real estate in Vancouver will crash…’

    Why do they do it? The longer people watch the garbage talk, the more the YouTube algorithms will think that’s what you want…and…wait for it…send you even more  gaff. You should actively dislike ‘clickbait’ items.

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  • Guru Asked on June 12, 2024 in Real Estate.

    In Bill 44. Bill 44 requires local governments to allow for increased density on lots currently zoned for single family homes or duplexes, limits the use of public hearings for certain residential projects, and requires municipal governments to update official community plans. Look it up…but also NOTE: Ozzie chats with Bill Laidler “3 Steps to Developing a Profitable Multiplex” on May 25 at Youtube.com/jurockvideo

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  • Guru Asked on April 26, 2024 in Real Estate.

    You are right I was not keen on them. Just google ‘reverse mortgage problems’ and you realize there may be issues with some providers. So get advice on the institution and have your lawyer read the docs. But I ran across a situation which I discussed with Kyle Green on this video.

    Let’s say you are 65, you live in a – say $2 million house and would like to stay there. You have two struggling kids. You could take a mortgage for $1 million and pay $500,000 to each kid. They have a downpayment without interest payments and you make no payments on the mortgage either. They get the house anyway once you die… This way it’s earlier and no proverbial of skin of your nose.

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  • Guru Asked on April 26, 2024 in Real Estate.

    All you read here is opinion. You MUST check this out with your accountant. Under current capital gains tax rules, you can defer your taxes on your capital gain if you carry back financing … for up to 5 years. Spreading it out always helps. However, if you do it before June 25 will it apply to the current (April 21) rules or the new rules?

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  • As Bugs Bunny used to say: “Aaaaah, Shut up!” 60 is the new 40! Study this! Where do you fit in? A book review published in the New England Journal of Medicine found at age 60, you reach the TOP of your potential, and this continues into your 80s. Therefore, if you are 60-70 or 70-80 you may have the best and 2nd best opportunity in your life to produce meaningful accomplishments that can leave a lasting positive legacy.

    • Ray Kroc founded McDonalds at 59.
    • Colonel Sanders founded Kentucky Fried Chicken at age 66.


    The average age:

    • of NOBEL PRIZE winners is 62.
    • of CEOs of BIG companies is 63 years.
    • of pastors of 100 largest churches in the U.S. is 71.
    • of the Popes is 76 years.
    • of US presidents and 70% of all countries Premiers or Presidents are over 70

    (From Michael Geller and Richard Raisler.)

    What you have learned in a lifetime, what you have in your head will take a newbie 15 years to learn! Value it, cherish your experiences, your understanding, your caring and learn the new AI things, you can!

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  • Guru Asked on March 1, 2024 in Real Estate.

    David Rosenberg and others would agree with you. Again, remember, what kind of inflation are we talking about? The monetary driven hard asset inflation? Or the headline, core (8 kinds of) or CPI/PPI? There is a difference. I look at hard asset inflation. Look at stocks below as well – soaring, real estate rearing quietly? Well, even the Government reported inflation rates are showing increases month over month both in US and in Canada. The actual rates are still soaring (did you go shopping lately, eat in a restaurant, look for a rental, pay gas, buy  a car?). The stock markets are soaring– say inflating. 

    Note: Victor Adair (https://victoradair.ca/subscribe/) writes in its incredibly accurate newsletter (still free) that the Euro Stoxx 50 (a European version of the DJIA) has rallied ~20% to 23-year highs. The Japanese Nikkei is up ~27%, just a few points away from touching the All-Time Highs made in 1989. The Toronto Composite Index closed this week at a 22-month high, up ~17% from the October lows, and in the US the DJIA, S&P and the NAZ made new All-Time Highs this week but closed lower on the weekly charts.

    NOTE: I grant you; it is confusing. Large TECH cos layoffs muddy the waters indeed. We stick with our multi year predictions. All the money creation will result in higher asset prices. But we must ‘muddle through’ first.

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  • True and stock markets are soaring. Confusing. The major layoffs in major tech companies tells a story in the US and Europe. In Canada we just had Bell lay off 4,300 people.  At the same time we can’t get enough construction workers, health workers all service sectors.

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