You mentioned the ‘Revenge of the Little Man’. What does that mean?

You mentioned the ‘Revenge of the Little Man’. What does that mean?

Investor Asked on June 6, 2019 in Real Estate.
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Yes, several people wondered about that. It comes from the German – “Die Rache des kleinen Mannes!” It simply means that if you can’t fight and win (and know it!) you take revenge wherever you can. So, against all corporations, powerful individuals etc. that annoy us we can do something. They won’t know, often not care, but we – the little men/women know and feel good about it. For instance: Not flying a particular airline for a month, removing TV channels that flash commercials while you’re watching a movie or simply not parking in a specific parking company lot etc. Maybe it should be the revenge of the ‘little people’.

Major Point: It may not have an impact on them, but it will have an impact on you and me as in feeling better – the little men/women.

Guru Answered on June 6, 2019.
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