I take issue with your negative stance on working from home. It is the future.
I take issue with your negative stance on working from home. It is the future.
Well, I guess I am a long time ago branch/regional/general manager. I hired people with this proviso: Office staff: From 9 – 5 is company time. Sales staff; From 8 – 11 is company time. Meaning: You are in the office at that time, or don’t bother coming in at all. I was trying to create a culture. Make sure, everyone knows all about the company, what we stand for, believe in and what it is that we value… by the whole team. The reason there are coffee stations, meeting areas and the like are that the girl from accounting can meet the sales guy and we have a culture of pride and create it through constant repetition and/or impact of the boss having a coffee with the driver.
What all the ‘working from home crowds’ don’t realize: You are taking yourself out of the equation – nay out of a job! What are the most jobs being lost right now? Office employees. Senior positions can’t get a job either. Out of sight – out of mind! Time to get back to work.
Ok, last ‘old manager’ quote: People do not do what you expect, they do what you inspect – with respect!