RE: As you point out, the world is turning and the little man is winning. Will the turn be complete?
Not sure what you mean by ‘ complete’, but the US election, the upcoming Canadian and German elections have things in common. All elections have been and are still an existentialist fight between labour and capital. That will change in future 1st by ‘technology run elections’ and 2nd by scary ‘technological superiority’.
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Well, I guess I am a long time ago branch/regional/general manager. I hired people with this proviso: Office staff: From 9 – 5 is company time. Sales staff; From 8 – 11 is company time. Meaning: You are in the office at that time, or don’t bother coming in at all. I was trying to create a culture. Make sure, everyone knows all about the company, what we stand for, believe in and what it is that we value… by the whole team. The reason there are coffee stations, meeting areas and the like are that the girl from accounting can meet the sales guy and we have a culture of pride and create it through constant repetition and/or impact of the boss having a coffee with the driver.
What all the ‘working from home crowds’ don’t realize: You are taking yourself out of the equation – nay out of a job! What are the most jobs being lost right now? Office employees. Senior positions can’t get a job either. Out of sight – out of mind! Time to get back to work.
Ok, last ‘old manager’ quote: People do not do what you expect, they do what you inspect – with respect!
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It is our multi-year continuous position that the US dollar is and will stay the world’s RESERVE currency. But the question was 2 years ago: Should I bring back my winnings now. The answer then and is now: It all depends on what actions you want to take, the purpose and what you will do with the money. I.e. :
1. Take a million US at 72 cents – 2 Years = $1,388.000 + collect 6% (GIC) = $83,250 x 2 = $166,500 + $1,388,000 = You have $1,554,000. Or
2. Leave it in US, wait 2 years $1,000,000 at 2.5% = $25,000 x2 = $50,000Now convert $1,050,000 = 70 cents – $1,499,998.50 Canadian. That is if you were in GICs. One of our clients is still getting 8% on private capital 1st mortgage investments. 65% LTV.
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The BoC interest rate announcement is January 29, 2025. Also the quarterly Monetary Policy Report will be released then. So far, the BoC has reduced the policy interest rate by a total of 1.75% since June 2024. Now at 3.25%. We expect the Bank to go down another .25% that day to 3%. RBC and other majors see the rate go to as low as 2% by summer. You mention the word ‘guess’. That’s what we all do now. Just remember: the overnight bank rate sets your credit cards, bank loans and variable rate mortgages. NOT your fixed loans/mortgages and otherwise. The big difference always what bond rates do (what investors want as interest to buy bonds), but the bank rate is determined by the central bank in every country depending on economic circumstances. The US dollar gets STRONGER, but the rise in U.S. yields sent jitters through markets overseas. In the U.K., benchmark bond yields headed for a sixth straight daily advance, and the pound weakened further. Stock indexes fell across Europe and Asia.
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HUH? The US has increasing rates not falling rates! Based on Freddie Mac’s first Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) this week, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 6.91 percent as of January 2, 2025 (as of last week it went to 7.12%). A year ago at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 6.62 percent. The 15-year FRM averaged 6.13 percent. A year ago at this time, the 15-year FRM averaged 5.89 percent.
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Interesting. I agree in general terms that inflation, higher inflation is always a “monetary phenomenon” aka Milton Friedman. But real estate markets are highly emotional and psychological right now. We have a crazy world. German real estate is way down, Ireland prices are up by 9%. Britain is near collapse… Take your pick. Investors and buyers are staying on the sidelines … I know, I am! But then there is the MR.BUFFET: “when everyone is crying you should be buying”. Yet, today he is uncertain sitting on 330 billion in cash.
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It never has been my fear. With the debt loads in the world (never will be paid back) inflation is the only way to pay it back by debasing the currency. And inflation is rising everywhere. US is higher. In the UK, more than half of companies are planning to raise prices in the next three months as they face a “pressure cooker of rising costs and taxes”, according to one of the UK’s largest business groups. In Canada, inflation is biting at all levels up now 30% over 2 years ago.
However: NOTE: My biggest concern is the ever-increasing unemployment rate in Canada. Nationally 6.9%, 7.8 % in Ontario,7% in BC. (US stands at 4.1%) Out of a job? Can’t buy anything…
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BC: The fine Western Investor calls it a ‘wave of bankruptcies in BC in their December issue. WI: “The year 2024 was a difficult one for many B.C. businesses… Nationally, business insolvencies for the 12‑month period ending Oct. 31 increased by 41.7 per cent year to year. Transportation, warehousing, construction, accommodation and food services registered the biggest increases in insolvency numbers. Mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction registered the biggest decreases.”
Lists you may wish to subscribe to:
- Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB). The OSB provides a Bankruptcy and Insolvency Records Search service.
- https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/scr/bsf-osb/ins/login.html?lang=eng (pay for search)
- Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) since September 18, 2009, the OSB offers a free searchable list.
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Not sure what ‘investors’ you talk about. Money (cash) investors look for a return. In Canada all returns are massive taxed (although some of them may be reversed – see below). Real Estate investors on the pre-sale market are literally better off leaving their money in the bank, then having to pay 40% plus flipping tax federally, 20% provincially (BC). Plus pay 5% GST and 2.5% property transfer tax. Then pay a realtor $25,000 to sell it…and there goes all profit. I mean ALL OF IT! Why take the chance? That’s why we have a 28 YEAR low in PRE- condo sales in Toronto. 28-YEAR LOW!
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Please note, I’m on record saying that for safety and certainty of bank rules and legal systems and minimal corruption, stay in Canada and the US. But we have done several videos with brave investors making great returns worldwide. Check them out here: youtube.com/jurockvideo (videos on Florida/Hawaii/Texas/Thailand/Dubai/Portugal/Panama/Mexico)
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